I looked everywhere. I can't find him.
You got any idea where he might be?
I'd offer you a beer, Kate,
except I drank all of it.
You know...
we'd come here...
But not now.
I thought about Stevie
as hard as I could.
I hope that he's praying.
I should've known to look for you here.
Do you remember Stevie used to
come here... and hide with us?
Nobody'd ever think we'd come in here
without a nun dragging us in by the ear.
Like Father whatshisface.
Remember him?
He had too much spit, so he foamed
at the mouth when he gave the sermon.
(Kate) We were kids.
(Terry) It's peaceful here, right.
Look at all the saints.
There's St Anthony and St Francis.
Who's that one over there?