Who says everyone in the
Big Apple looks the other way?
Seriously, June, I would like
to take this opportunity...
to thank one of those
individuals in particular.
And if he´s watching,
thanks, Raphael.
Hey, look.
I think he´s blushing.
I am not.
I think he´s
actually turning red.
Maybe not.
So what do we do now?
What do you mean,
what do we do now?
Splinter´s out there somewhere!
I know Splinter´s out there.
- Fight?
- Fight.
- Kitchen?
- Kitchen.
What are we gonna do about it?
What can we do about it?
April´s our only link
to these guys.
We have to wait until she
comes up with something.
So that´s the plan
from our great leader?
Just sit here on our butts.
I never said
I was a great leader.
You sure
act like it sometimes.
Well, you act like a jerk
And this attitude of yours
isn´t helping anything.
Maybe l´ll just take
my attitude and leave!
- Why don´t you?
- I will!
- Good!
- Great!
Go ahead.
We don´t need you!
- Pork rind?
- Pork rind.