How can a face so young
wear so many burdens?
So, you can talk.
Yes, and I can also listen.
Some say that the path
from inner turmoil...
begins with a friendly ear.
My ear is open
if you care to use it.
I don´t think so.
What is your name?
And have you no one to go to,
Danny? No parent?
My dad couldn´t
care less about me.
I doubt that is true.
All fathers care for their sons.
- How´s Raphael?
- Not so good.
Didn´t they use this place
in The Grapes of Wrath?
Very funny.
I told you, I haven´t been
up here in years.
Can you fix it?
Does that answer your question?
The block´s got a crack
the size of the San Andreas.
I guess
l´ve got some walking to do.