You're a racist. Did you know that?
The police exam asks, ''What are rabies
and what do you do for them?''
Ryan said,
''Rabies are Jewish priests. . .
. . .and l would do anything
l could for them. ''
-What was the murder weapon, Stedman?
-l'd be guessing.
lf not us, who? lf not now, when?
All right. Something like
garden shears, maybe.
-We're abandoned.
-l didn't get you.
l was signaling beings on Mars.
Sometimes they answer.
Are you enjoying your luxury cruise
aboard the Patna, Lord Jim?
Telex Richmond right away and urgently
for the file on the Gemini Killer.
-The Gemini Killer's dead.
-Who was speaking to you?
-He's dead.
-He should live so long.
-The autopsy? When, please?
And tomorrow, and tomorrow.
l am leaving you. Ryan, Stedman,
go home. Go home to your families.
Talk about wops.
-Not really. Just some coffee.
-You've been up since 5:00 a.m.
-l have this.
-How was Virginia?
-Neat. We stopped at a diner.
lnstead of potatoes,
they served Mama grits.
So she says, ''These Jews are crazy. ''
They're all wackos.
Next, they'll wanna eat papaya.
-My God.
-How was your day?
Our trackers at long last brought in
Mushkin, the Georgetown terrorist. . .
. . .who breaks into people's homes
and completely redecorates.
-You okay, Bill?
-Hi, Daddy.
-And goodbye?
-Off to dance class.
-Pocahontas with the hair.
-Watch out for red shoes.
-You're home now.
-No, l gotta go cheer up Father Dyer.