That's right.
-Were you here or inside the office?
-l was inside, writing reports.
lf someone entered his room
between when you left and returned. . .
-. . .you might not have seen them.
-Did you see anyone go into the room?
-No, l didn't.
-Or leave the room?
-No, l didn't.
Did you see anybody in the hallway?
-Mrs. Clelia.
-You saw Mrs. Clelia walking around?
-No, not exactly.
-Not exactly?!
-l found her lying unconscious.
-When was that?
On my way to give the Father
his last medication.
-The 5 or the 6?
-The 6.
Mrs. Clelia is a patient?
-Yes, she is.
-ln Neurology?
Dr. Randolph to Examining Bay 2.
Dr. Randolph to Examining Bay 2.
How we doing today?
They're all harmless.
Some more serious problems
here too, of course.
Some catatonics,
some with Alzheimer's, autism.
-Are you my son?
-l'd be very proud to believe so.
You're not my son.
There's your girl over there.
Mrs. Clelia?
-My name is William Kinderman.