-Would you help me, please?
-What about my radio?
-Pardon me?
-l said, my radio.
Aren't you gonna fix it?
Nothing ever gets fixed around here.
Just a bunch of pies and anchovies.
Go away! l don't ever talk
to strangers.
-l'm the radio repairman, Mrs. Clelia.
-Well, fix it.
-Well, what's wrong with it?
-Dead people talking.
lt's right here. Do you see it?
Yes, l see it.
l knew you weren't a radio repairman.
That's a telephone l'm holding.
lt's all right. A lot of people
wouldn't know the difference either.
lt's all right.
You have a very kind face.
You will do well.
-You caught her on a talkative day.
-You being funny?
No, she's quasi-catatonic. ln and out.
-What's this?
-The disturbed ward.
To get out. . .