Who was in here?
That radio isn't mine.
Mine is newer.
That man in the isolation tank. . . .
You know, the one you looked in on?
The one you looked in on.
The police brought him
in here 15 years ago.
They picked him up
wandering the C&O Canal.
Down around Key Bridge.
Yes, total amnesia.
The man in the isolation tank. . . .
You know, the one you looked in on.
The police brought him
in here 1 5 years ago.
They picked him up
wandering the C&O Canal.
Down around Key--
You had something to tell me?
Please, sit down.
There's a paper drive?
Haven't had a chance yet to read them.
l just keep them till l do.
l hate to miss the science articles.
They're good.