That man in the isolation tank. . . .
-You know, the one you looked in on.
The police brought him here
15 years ago.
They picked him up wandering
the C&O Canal around Key Bridge.
Total amnesia. No l.D.
They brought him to us here.
And his condition grew worse.
He ended up catatonic.
Completely withdrawn.
But recently. . . .
Well. . .
. . .about six weeks ago,
he slowly started to come out of it.
Every day he got better.
Just a little, but better.
And then all of a sudden,
he got violent. Really bad news.
We give him electroshock therapy.
And as of two weeks ago
he's been in isolation. . .
-. . .but the thing is. . . .
He says he's the Gemini Killer.
l want the file on that man.
Get it. Now!
You want to know
about the man in cell 11 .
Stretch your memory. What was
he wearing when he was brought in?
-That was quite some time ago.
-Was he dressed like a priest?
-Like a priest?
-Were there any signs of injuries?
-That would be in the file.
-lt is not in the file! lt is not!