-Who's this Damien you mentioned?
-Don't you know?
l know nothing, except l must go on
killing Daddy. l must shame him.
Do the papers call these
Gemini killings?
You must get them to do that.
lt's important.
-The Gemini is dead.
-No, l am not! l'm alive!
l go on! l breathe! Look at me!
Look at me and tell me what you see!
l see a man who looks
like Damien Karras.
lf you looked with
the eyes of faith. . .
. . .you'd see me.
-What the hell are you talking about?
-Your blindness.
Tell the press that l am the Gemini,
lieutenant, or l will punish you.
-Punish me?
-What are you talking about?
-Do you dance?
What do you mean?
l like plays.
The good ones. Shakespeare.
l like Titus Andronicus the best.
lt's sweet.
lncidentally. . .
. . .did you know that
you are talking to an artist?
l sometimes do special things
to my victims.
Things that are creative.
Of course, it takes knowledge,
pride in your work.