For example:
A decapitated head
can continue to see. . .
. . .for approximately 20 seconds.
So when l have one that's cocking. . .
. . .l always hold it up
so that it can see its body.
lt's a little extra l throw in
for no added charge.
l must admit, it makes me
chuckle every time.
Life is fun.
lt's a wonderful life, in fact. . .
. . .for some.
lt's too bad about poor Father Dyer.
l killed him, you know.
An interesting problem,
but finally it worked.
First, a bit of
the old succinylcholine. . .
. . .to permit one to work
without annoying distractions.
Then a 3-foot catheter. . .
. . .threaded directly into
the inferior vena cava. . .
. . .or the superior vena cava.
lt's a matter of taste.
Then the tube moves
through the vein. . .
. . .under the crease of the arm, into
the vein that leads into the heart.
And then you just hold up the legs
and you squeeze the blood manually. . .
. . .into the tube
from the arms and the legs.
There's shaking and pounding at
the end for the dregs. lt isn't perfect.
There's a little blood left,
l'm afraid.
But, regardless. . .
. . .the overall effect is astonishing.