Please forgive me.
l'm mad.
Let's see. . .
. . .where was l?
Oh, yes! The master.
He was kind, you see.
He brought me to our
mutual acquaintance, Father Karras.
Not too well at the time.
l'm afraid he. . .
. . .was passing on in the dying mode,
as we say.
So. . .
. . .as Karras was about to slip out
of his body--
ls this true?
The master was slipping me in.
There was some confusion when
the medics said that Karras was dead.
He was dead, technically speaking.
His time was up.
He wanted out. But l was in.
A little traumatized, true.
After all, his brain was jelly.
Lack of oxygen and that sort of thing.
You understand?
lt took a maximum effort. . .
. . .that at last got me out
of that cheap little coffin!
Vow of poverty, disgusting.
Never mind.
Toward the end, a little slapstick. . .
. . .and comic relief
when old Brother Fain. . .
. . .who was tending the body,
saw me climbing from the coffin.
lt's the smiles that keep us going.
The giggles and bits of good cheer.