The Godfather: Part III

- You could've helped me convince him.
- Convince him of what?

Of what?
He throws his life away.
He throws greatness away.

This is greatness?
Now that you're so respectable,
you're more dangerous than ever.

I preferred you when you were
just a common Mafia hood.

- Can we talk common sense here?
- All right.

Tony knows that you killed Fredo.
- What did you come here for?
- To protect my son.

Not to see you disguised by your
church. That was a shameful ceremony.

I spent my life protecting my son.
I spent my life protecting my family!
Let's be reasonable, okay?
That's your big thing, isn't it, Michael?

- Backed up by murder.
- Oh, God.

- You hate me. You hate me.
- No.

I don't hate you.
I dread you.
I did what I could, Kay, to protect all
of you from the horrors of this world.

But you became my horror.
The children still love you, though.
Especially Mary.
