He dips his bullets in cyanide.
Don Altobello.
- I've come to pay my respects.
- Grazie.
You honour my father's friendship.
Where is my god-daughter?
- Constanza!
- Don Altobello.
It was not so long ago
that I held you in these old hands.
Michael, I've lost all the venom,
all the juice of youth.
I've lost the lust for women,
and now my mind is clear.
My duty to God is clear.
I have a special favour to ask of you.
Can I attach my name
to the Vito Corleone Foundation,
so that you and I can be joined
in name and spirit?
- One million dollars.
- A lot of money...
- Godfather.
- Don Altobello, you have such a heart.
Come, let's go and sample
some of that old vino.
The Vatican knows nothing
about these shareholders.
I have a tendency to worry. We've
increased our position substantially.
- Naturally, I worry.
- Stop worrying, we have an agreement.