They worship you...
...but their hearts are broken, because
they think you abandoned them.
They want to share your deal
on immobiliare, to be a family again.
It can purify their money.
This I cannot do.
Immobiliare must be legitimate.
I know.
But they're unhappy.
And you?
I ask nothing for myself,
only peace in my old age.
But I must please the world around me.
Michael, your father was a
reasonable man. Learn from him.
I learned many things from my father.
Call a meeting, my friend,
so there are no debts or grudges.
We will make the peace, you and I.
The Vatican announced today...
that Pope Paul VI has canceled
his Sunday blessing...
due to ill health.
His physician has ordered
total bed rest...
and cessation of all activities.
They've had a press conference. The
Pope's condition is grave. "Gravissimo."