The Godfather: Part III

Arrange a meeting.
- Ai venit la club?
- Nu, era o nuntã.

You say how devoted you are to me.
Tell him your problems.

Eu aveam 8 ani iar tu aveai 15.
- Ask for his help.
- What problems?

Am avut multe prietene când aveam 15 ani.
- Cu din astea de opt ani?
- În special cu ele.

That you want to run away
with my daughter.

But you know that if you do,
I will become your enemy.

Unde este Mary?
Vrea cineva sã o cheme pe Mary?
Scuze, Excelenþa Voastrã.

Încã nu m-ai sãrutat de bun venit.
Rudele se sãrutã mereu.

- You know that I would never do that.
- I know.

- Acum suntem rude?
- Sunt veriºoara ta mai micã.

Ask Altobello to speak to me.
To further the marriage.

But you're cousins, after all. Michael
was always a little old-fashioned.

- Cine e tatãl tãu?
- Sã-þi dau un pont.

Say you can't belong to my legitimate
world. That you want your own family.

E italian.
I could straighten out
what Joey Zasa left behind.

Mary, te aºteptam.
Sã nu uiþi sã vorbeºti încet.
I could use your friendship
to persuade him.

ªi zâmbeºte. Nu uita sã zâmbeºti.
I would be indebted to you forever.
A Corleone knows the value
of such a friend.

Then you would work for me?
Bacio la mano, Don Altobello.
Preºedintele onorific al Fundaþiei Corleone:
If he hints that he wants you
to betray me, get insulted,

fiica mea, Mary Corleone.
because that's his trap.
You're not telling me
the whole truth, Vincenzo.

Cred cã am moºtenit dragostea tatãlui meu de a þine discursuri.
Isn't it true, that with Michael gone,
the girl controls everything?

Fundaþia Vito Corleone ajutã sãracii din fiecare þarã.
dã burse artiºtilor, finanþeazã cercetãri medicale,
- Leave the girl out of this.
- Of course, you love her.

ºi se dedicã în special renaºterii Siciliei.
And she loves you.
Domnule Arhiepiscop Gilday,
