No one wants another Joe.
Mulþumesc foarte mult. Sunt fericit sã fiu aici.
Let me be your friend.
Aº vrea sã fiþi alãturi de mine în a îl onora pe Comandorul Michael Corleone.
- Even the strongest man needs friends.
- I'm flattered.
You're a man of finance and politics,
things I don't understand.
Am ceva special pentru naºul nostru.
Din întâmplare ºtiu cântecul sãu preferat. Michael, unde te duci?
You understand guns.
Finance is a gun.
Mã duc la bucãtãrie sã ascult niºte înregistrãri ale lui Tony Bennet.
Politics is knowing
when to pull the trigger.
Cântecul tãu preferat: "Salsiccia's Own".
Mã duc sã-mi fac un sandwich. Vin înapoi.
How can I help?
Blessed is the peacemaker,
for he can be called the child of God.
- Tu parli Italiano un poco?
- Si.
Bunã, Kay.
The wheelchair, for Don Tommasino.
Felicitãri, Michael. Este o onoare.
I trusted this business arrangement
with the Archbishop. I trusted him.
Dar puþin cam scumpã, nu crezi?
I was sure his honesty
was beyond a doubt.
- Tort?
- Nu, mulþumesc.
But, as you see, I'm now
the victim of a swindle.
He's stalling me. Vast monies have
gone to people in high political places
and the Vatican Bank is the guarantor.
If what you say is true,
there will be a great scandal.
- A trecut ceva vreme, nu?
- Da.
- Opt ani.
- Da.
Look at this stone. It has been
in the water for a very long time,
Arãþi minunat.