We have prospered,
and now it is time for us to dissolve
the business relationship between us.
That's it.
But I do have a little surprise. Al?
Your shares in the casinos.
I've cut the red tape, so you could
get your money right away.
50 million dollars!
- Not everybody gets the same.
- Nothing for you...
- It depends on your investment.
- Michael, this is really generous!
- Parisi, how much did you invest?
- I don't remember.
You're blessed.
My family has done much of
the hard work, taken many risks.
All to make money
for the rest of the families.
You all know Joey Zasa.
He is, I admit, an important man.
His picture is on the cover
of the New York Times magazine.
He gets the Esquire Magazine award
for the best-dressed gangster.
The newspapers praise him
because he hires Blacks,
which shows he has a good heart.
He is famous.
Who knows? Maybe one day
he'll make all of you popular.
It's true.
I make more of a bella figura.
That is my nature.
But I also want to make a move
into legitimate enterprises.