Dr. Mittchel?NIt's Lilly Dillon, doctor.
I work for Justus Amusement Company
out of Baltimore.
Don't you brush me off, buster.
If I have to have Bobo Justus
call you...
Mrs. Dillon, I am sorry about our
little disagreement on the phone.
I'm really sorry. About
your son...
It's hard to believe this strapping
young man is your son.
Never mind that. Just take
care of him. - Yeah, but he's had...
He's had an internal hemorrage.
He's bleeding to death.
Well, make it stop.
His blood pressure is under 100.
I don't think he's gonna make it to the...
You know who I work for?
-There's just not much I can do.
My son's gonna be allright.
If not, I'll have you killed.
No, really?
You're Roy's mother?
That's impossible! -Not quite.
But, I'm not sure who you are, Mrs...
Langtry, was it?
I'm Roy's friend.
Yes, I imagine you're lots of
people's friend.
Oh, oh, of course. Now that I see
you in the light,
you're pretty old enough
to be Roy's mother.
Aren't we all? -Play nice.
Don't fight.
You're gonna be allright.
What am I doing here?
You were bleeding inside, honey.
Remember that bruise you had?
You called the doctor, ha?
- Well, no Roy. Your mother did.