Just bills. I'll take care of them.
I can take care of my own bills, Lilly.
Whatever you say.
The manager at your place
said your boss called.
Really pulled the wheel out of
everyone's eyes, ha?
What're you talking about? So I got
a job, so what? -Stop kidding me.
Four years in a town like Los Angeles,
a peanut selling job is the best you can do.
D'ya expect me to believe that?
- What's there?
The boss called.
You said do yourself.
That dump you live in, those
clown pictures on the walls...
I like them. -You do not. Roy Dillon,
corn-ball clown pictures, comission salesman
it's all a front.
You're working some angle.
Don't tell me you're not,'cause I wrote
the book.
You want to talk? You still want to run
playback money for the mob?
That's me. That's who I am. You were
never cut off for the rackets, Roy. -How come?
You aren't tough enough.
Not as tough as you, ha?
-How d'ya get tha punch in the stomach?
I tripped on a chair.
-Get off the grift, Roy!
You haven't got the stomach for it.
Oh, good, Carol. Come in.
Dr. Mitchel says you can get out of here Friday.
But that you should have someone to look in
on you, so I hired Carol.
You hired? - You'll pay me back, I'm sure.
-Lilly, I make my own decisions for a long
time now.
-Roy, you couldn't possibly object
to a pretty young lady coming to
visit you. -Carol!
Do you know why my mother
hired you?
Ha, yes. I'll come every afternoon
and make sure you feel...