"Today's special:"
Broiled hothouse tomato,
under a generous slice
of riped cheese.
Hi, Bobo.
Did I buy you that dress
you piece of shit?
Well, I guess so. You're the guy I work for.
-I'm the guy you work for, ha?
In that case I may just flush
you down the toilet.
Take me to my hotel.
How did you figure you were
gonna get away with that?
I'm not getting away with anything,
Bobo. -You're fucking right!
How much did your pals cut you in
for on that nag, or did they give you
the same kind of screwing you gave me?
I was down on that horse, Bobo. Maybe
not as much as I should've been.
There was a lotta action... -One question!
You wanna stick to that story or
you wanna keep your teeth?
I wanna keep my teeth.
I'll ask you another: you think I got
no contacts out here?
That nag paid off at almost
the opening price. There wasn't hardly
a flutter on the tote board from the time
the odds were posted.
There ain't enough action to tickle the
toteboard and you claim a ten-grand win.
You send me 10.000 dollars like
I'm a fucking marker
in rip off.
No, Bobo... -Are we talking
straight up? -My son.
Your what?
-My son was in the hospital.