You talk the lingo.
What's your pitch?
The long end. Big con.
-Nobody does that single out.
I was teamed 10 years with the
best in the business.
Cool Langley.
-I've heard the name.
It was beautiful, and getting better
all the time. -Is that right?
It is, Roy, it's where you should be.
What are you bringing? 3, 400 a week?
We used money like that for tips.
- Wow!
And now, right now, it's the perfect time.
The best time
since I've been in the game.
All over the southwest you've got
these businessmen. They were
making money when everybody was
making money. They think that means
they're smart. And now they're hurting.
When the price of oil fell, so did they.
They've still got money,
but they need more money.
When the oil money was good, they put
up all these office buildings. Now they're
half empty. They'd give you anything to
move in: first two months free,
redecoration, whatever you want.
They help you set up the store.
I'm the roper. I go out and find them,
and bring them in.
Morning, gentlemen.
Gloster Hebing, may I present my
fine stock broker, Henry Fellows?
What we have here today,
Mary Beth, is strickly between...
Oh, I told Mr. Hebing all
about it. How brilliant you are
at making money for your
special clients.