Well, I certainly hope that you're not
spreading the news a little too widely.
Well, of course not! But I'd trust
Mr. Hebing with anything.
Wouldn't I, darling?
Well, I guess I'll just have to take
your word for that. Won't I?
Here's the money.
Please, let me help you.
Once they saw that money,
they were hooked.
And I made sure they saw it.
Ain't that just beautiful?
Then, all Cool had to do was
tell the story. -We are talking about
breaking the law here. I just wanna
make sure you understand that.
No one is gonna get hurt, but the law
is gonna be broken. -Laws were made
to be broken. - Lose talk is the one thing I
worry about.
I can keep my mouth shut.
Gloster, come on over here
and sit down.
Tokyo exchange is 9 hours behind us,
the NY exchange is 1 hour ahead of us.
There is never one hour in which
both exchanges are open.
Information moves, but it has to wait.
Now, I have a fellow working for me.
D'ya know what a hacker is?
Yeah, sure. That's like a computer expert,
a genius. -Very good.
And what this boy has been able to do,
is tap into that main link
between Tokyo and NY
and when we really need it
he's been able to give us
a 7 second delay
in the transfer of that information.
Do you know what that means?
Well, I can see that you get your
information ahead of NY.