It's like a jet engine for the water.
It's got no moving parts,
so it's very, very quiet.
- How quiet?
- Sonar wouldn't pick it up.
Maybe as a seismic anomaly.
It wouldn't sound like a submarine.
We messed with this a few years ago.
Couldn't make it work
- They really built this?
- She put to sea this morning.
When I was twelve I helped my daddy
build a bomb shelter in our basement. -
- because some fool parked a dozen
warheads off the coats of Florida.
This thing could park 200 warheads
off Washington or New York-
- and no one would know anything
about it until it was all over.
- Are you all right, Captain?
- Yes.
It's just, to die from something
as petty as slipping on tea...
It was an accident.
You'll feel better when we put in.
- Put in?
- Return to base.
- We have no political officer.
- This is a Soviet combat vessel.
We do not cancel operations
because of accidents.
Seaman, come here.
Come here.
- Your name?
- Cook's Assistant Loginov.
I want you and the doctor
to witness this.
I'm removing the Political Offcer's
missile key and keeping it myself.
We should report this
to Red Fleet Command.