It is designed to approach by stealth
and armed with nuclear warheads.
- Damn thing was made to start a war.
- Proceed, Mr. Ryan.
After the Dallas lost contact,
there were additional sailings.
From Polijarny, Leningrad
and from the Mediterranean.
There's are now some 58 nuclear subs
headed at high speed into the Atlantic.
This afternoon's satellite pass
over Polijarny found heat blooms -
- indicating that the Kirov, the Minsk
and 20 other ships were ready to sail.
This constitutes the bulk
of the Soviet surface fleet.
The data supports
no conclusions as yet.
Absence of activity in the Pacific
suggests that this is just an exercise.
Suppose this is a move against NATO
I have some very sensitive information.
It must not leave this room.
Before sailing, Ramius sent a letter
to Admiral Yuri Padorin.
He's chairman of
the Red Fleet Northern Directorate.
That's her uncle, Ramius' wife.
Padorin is her uncle.
Padorin immediately demanded
a meeting with Premler Chenyenko.
Within minutes of that meeting,
orders were given to find Red October-
- and sink her.
- Sink her?
- They've got a madman on their hands.
Within 500 miles off the coats,
we'll have only two minutes' warning.