I heard something in the background,
too, and I managed to get it on tape.
I washed it through the computer
and managed to isolate this sound.
The computer identified it
as magma displacement.
The SAPS software was originally
written to look for seismic events.
When it gets confused,
it runs home to momma.
- I'm not following you.
- I'm sorry.
Listen to it at ten times speed.
That's got to be man-made.
The first contact was at 09:15
and the bearing was 269.
At 09:30, it was here.
At 11 and 11:15, it was here and here.
Russian subs have been reported
running Reykjanes Ridge at high speed.
- They had hyper-accurate maps.
- Yeah, Red Route One.
The front door to those canyons
was a location called Thor's Twins.
Right into Red Route One.
You may think I'm crazy, but I'll bet
we found some new Russian sub.
It's now headed for the Iceland coats.
A$40 million computer tells you
you're chasing an earthquake. -
- but you don't believe it. And you
come up with this on your own.
- Yes, sir.
- Relax you've sold me.