and shift... and stroke...
Very good.
Perfect form.
Hi, honey.
- What are you doing?
- Some men just tried to kill me.
Are you all right?
No, they were spies or something.
Harry, from work, he was the.
Get down!
- Harry was the boss.
- Take it easy, Doug, okay?
- Why would spies want to kill you?
- I don't know.
- It had something to do with Mars.
- You've never been to Mars.
It sounds crazy, but I went to
this Rekall place after work.
- Those brain butchers?
- Let me finish.
- What did they do to you?
- I got a trip to Mars.
Forget about Rekall.
They were going to kill me.
- Doug, nobody tried to kill you.
- They did.
But I killed them.
Listen, sweetheart. Those assholes
at Rekall have fucked up your mind.
You're having paranoid delusions.
You call this a delusion?
- Doug, I'm gonna call a doctor.
- Don't. Don't call anybody.
Lori, go! Get out!