Why are you doing this?
- I'm not your wife.
- The hell you're not.
I never saw you
before six weeks ago.
Our marriage
is just a memory implant.
You think I'm stupid?
I remember our wedding.
It was an Agency implant.
- Falling in love.
- Implanted.
Our friends, my job, 8 years together.
All of this was implanted?
The job's real.
The Agency set it up.
They erased your identity
and implanted a new one.
I was written in as your wife
so I could make sure the erasure took.
Sorry, Quaid.
Your whole life
is just a dream.
Okay, then if I'm not me,
who the hell am l?
Beats me.
I just work here.
There's something
I want you to know.
You were the best assignment
I ever had. Really.