Not bad if you live another 50 years,
but what if you've only another 20?
Or ten?
Or some unforeseen event
kills you tomorrow?
Like the boating accident
that killed your late husband, Andrew.
Or say you just got out of prison,
where you went in
for vehicular manslaughter,
as part of an agreement to avoid
being implicated in a greater crime,
for which, in fact,
you were responsible.
But nowthere's this threat,
this possible threat,
that this fact could be discovered.
And in one stroke,
10, 15 or 20 more years of your life
could be cut right out
from underneath you.
So I've been asking myself,
what does that do to the market
value of 18 months?
We had an agreement.
And we still do, sweetheart.
Signed, sealed, delivered.
And I want to take care
of everything we agreed to.
You want a lot for your money,
and I want a lot for my time.
There's a saying in the joint.
It's not Oriental philosophy,
but it has a similar logic that
appeals to my...spiritual nature.
"Once you're in business with
somebody, you're in business for life."
Like a marriage.