Stay with me, Nadine.
Please, don't go.
Stay with me.
Leo Johnson's gone to ground.
I bet he's holed up near his home.
- Sheriff, Leo Johnson called.
- When?
Ten minutes ago.
He left this message.
And Sheriff, in the background
I could hear a clock striking.
- What kind of clock, Lucy?
- Like the clock at Easter Park.
- Harry!
- Hawk. Good work, Lucy.
Pull surveillance off Leo's house.
Set up a perimeter
around Easter Park.
- Got it.
- You get some cars over there.
Harry, I gotta talk to you...
Harry, let me talk to James.
You want to investigate this?
Come on, James.
Harry, is it true?
- You've found the killer?
- We've arrested a suspect.
- But is it him, Harry?
- I can't release any details now.
I'm sorry. Excuse me.
Leland, there's nothing you can do here.
You should be home with Sarah now.
Yes, you're right.
Of course, you're right.
- You're going back to the hospital?
- No, I'm heading home.
- Thank you, Will.
- Don't give it a thought.
I think you ought to listen
to this tape.
Why's that?
It was Laura's. We found it.
I think it'll help you find
who you're looking for.
- Who might that be?
- Somebody with a red Corvette.
Doctor Jacoby's in hospital
with a heart attack.