Vincent & Theo

you can piss on.
In my opinion it's a specially
good example...

of his work.
You can appreciate the...

Turkish and Egyptian
stiles influence.

Here is a Gerome.
That you could like more.

Don't look at that!
My colleague Andre
will tell you about this painting.

Well, gentlemen,
this is an interesting and important

The fighting cocks

Are you going?
- For lunch, it's something wrong?

We'd like to talk to you.
- It doesn't matter, Theo, I'll wait.

Sit down.
We've been considering
the future of this company.

We know that
you don't like to be here.

It's not I don't like it,
it's just I feel that...

- We don't care what you feel.
You're trying to fire me.
Why don't you get to the point?

Every day more galleries
are open in Montmartre.

It's a different market but...
- We think that any
branch should...

...focus only in painting
And taking into account your...

special interest in that area...
It'd be an experiment.
Are you saying that
I could run my own gallery?

Would you be interested?
I think I should think of it.
