White Hunter Black Heart

...and it'll all seem worthwhile.
Okay, okay, John. How about a script?
There's one around here somewhere.
We don't have a title yet.

lt's called African Trader
or African something.

Miss Wilding?
Where's a copy of that goddamned script?
l haven't seen it, John.
Then find it. What kind of a secretary
are you? What do you do all day?

l've been typing your letters
and answering the telephone.

-l have.

You were competent
when you first got here.

Now you just hang around all day
spying for Paul Landers.

lt's not true. l don't spy for anybody.
Especially Mr. Landers.

Find the script, then.
We have a meeting with Landers
and his money men in an hour.

-Paul Landers is producing this?
-That's right.

And you know why l agreed
to work with him again?

Because it's the wrong thing to do.
-l'm so glad to see you, Pete.
-lt's good to see you, Paul.

-You can save all our lives.
-How's that?

-The monster. l think he's losing his mind.
-He's in fine shape.

You've only been with him half a day.
You don't know what he's been like.

He's almost killed the deal five times.
The only reason it's still alive
is because of me.

-He wants to go to Africa.
-Paul, how the hell are you?

Johnny boy! Did you have a good day?
Get a lot done?

Hell, no. But Pete and l
did have a nice chat.

-What do you think of the script?
-l haven't read it yet.

-l think it's awfully good.
-You do?

Well, it's a shame you don't know
a damn thing about it.

-You see?
-He's always been like that.

No, he's worse. He's insane.
ln a well-ordered society,
he'd be in a straitjacket right now.

Where the question of color is concerned,
it's an extra expense.

As far as l'm concerned,
of questionable value.

-l quite agree.
-Well, l don't.
