White Hunter Black Heart

And cartridges, of course.
-How many rounds, sir?
-Two hundred. Two hundred per weapon.

-Planning to be away quite a while, sir.

And Sunrise Films will send you the check.
John! Be careful!
lrene. For God's sake,
what are you doing here?

You told me to meet you here.
We had an appointment.
Drinks and dinner.

-l dressed.

Well, it plain slipped my mind.
lrene Saunders, this is Pete Verrill.

l admired your last book enormously.
l'm a writer too.
John's promised to listen to an idea
l had for a film this evening.

l do hope you'll join us.
You can give me a few pointers.
One writer to another.

lt's about a dog. A puppy dog.
He's the hero, the star.

lmagine, John, over the opening credits,
we'll see Horace.

Wonderful, adorable dissolves
of Horace. ln close-up. ln long shot.

Now, this is the part of the script
l'm not sure about.

The censors might cut it.
lt turns out that Horace is in heat.

-lt's a story of mistaken identity.

You see, Horace has a twin. A bitch.
She's called Geraldine.

Now, it's she that's in heat.
lsn't that a wonderful switch?

We'll cut from the Hyde Park sequence,
John, to an early-morning shot of the river.

The river.
Horace is alone now. We dolly with him
as he trots slowly down a deserted street.

-He turns into Grosvenor--
-What are you doing here?
