White Hunter Black Heart

-Thank you, dear.

Feel the mystery of it, kid?
-Hello, John. You have a good trip?
-A little bit long, l'd say.

John, may l introduce
squadron leader Alec Laing.

-And Ralph Lockhart, our unit manager.

This is Pete Verrill.
Tom Harrison, our art director.

-Squadron leader Laing.
-Mr. Laing.

-And yours...?
-Lockhart. Ralph Lockhart.

Of course you are.
Well, gentlemen,
shall we get in out of the sun?

You chaps must be about ready
for a bath and a drink.

l'll take care of the luggage
and see you later at the hotel.

Well, the drink part
certainly sounds good to me.

Get out of the way!
Stupid buggers!
Get out of the way!
They knock off about 1 0 of them
a month along this road.

lt doesn't seem to make the slightest
bloody impression on them, though.

ls that so?
Will you get out of the bloody way?
