White Hunter Black Heart

Hello, l'm Harry Longthorne,
general manager of the Lake Victoria Hotel.

-l'll show you to your rooms.

-Excuse me, Mr. Verrill, do you play soccer?
-Yes, l do. Why?

We're having the annual staff soccer game.
We're minus one white.

-Would you be interested?

-We'll have a practice the Saturday before.
-All right.

Pete, this is Mrs. Margaret MacGregor.
-Pleasure to meet you.
-And Mr. Marlowe.

He's a licensed white hunter.
Pete's a crack shot, Marine-trained.

Sit down, have a drink, kid.
l'll have an iced tea, please.
Oh, come on, don't embarrass me.
Give him a beer.

l'll have a beer, please.
We are interested in getting
a couple of elephants.

An elephant is dangerous
because he's such a hearty bugger.

To kill him, you have to hit him
in one of two places.

Between the eyes or in the heart.
Not right between the eyes.
Down about six inches.

''There's been silence for hours now.
She's sitting on the back, reading the Bible.
He's still working on the engine.

Finally he says, 'Miss, l'm sorry
l got drunk. l apologize.

What more can a man do
than say he's sorry?'

She says, 'lt's not only your drinking
l'm upset about.

You promised to go downriver.'
He says, 'Miss, listen to me and understand.
