White Hunter Black Heart

Well, as good as they play soccer,
they should be spoiled.

They'll be impossible now
for five or six days.

l don't think so. l think they know
the difference between sport and real life.

-So, Mrs. MacGregor--
-Margaret, please.

Margaret, do you miss London?

Yes, l do, rather.
l don't miss London as much
as l miss the country.

Especially the winter, when you're out there
with the hounds and they have the scent...

-...crossing a good bit of country.
-Oh, l do agree.

l'm not keen on London.
l had to live there during the war
and l got awfully fed up with it.

Well, l rather enjoyed it during the war.
The people behaved so magnificently.

They didn't all behave well.
You probably never left the West End.

Not true, not true.
l did a film about the London Blitz.

l was all over town.
Well, you can't have spent much time
in Soho, where l lived.

-Why do you say that, dear?
-l thought the people there were just horrid.

There are an awful lot of Jews
in that neighborhood.

-Mrs. MacGregor.

l must warn you, l'm a Jew.

-You're not.
-l am.


-You're pulling my leg!
-No, l'm not pulling your leg, Margaret.

l'm a Jew.
l don't believe you.
l know l shouldn't say this, but...
...that was the one thing about which
l thought Hitler was absolutely right.

Now, Margaret, the man has
just got through warning you.

Because the Jews
in London were awful.

They ran the black market.
And they didn't go into the army.

And when they did,
they got themselves cushy jobs.

Of course, there were upper-class Jews,
but l'm not talking about them.

l'm talking about the kikes in Soho.
-The foreigners.
-Margaret. Margaret.
