White Hunter Black Heart

Mr. Wilson, Mr. Landers is
on the phone from London.

Well, you tell him
you just missed me.

-John, it might be important.
-You tell him that l've gone on a recce.

Goodbye, you worthless son of a bitch.
Goodbye, you pearl
of Central East Africa.

Goodbye, you lake flies.
Goodbye, you flat-chested,
bucktoothed women.

Goodbye forever.
Hello, anybody home?
You chaps looking for me?

The name's Hodkins.
Your new airplane driver.

-This is Mr. Wilson, Pete Verrill.
-Call me Hod.

lf you don't mind, we better get going.
Don't want to start out late for the Congo.

Hod, l understand you have never
flown in the Congo before.

l should be able to find the way.
But if l can't, well...

...we'll just set down in one
of those big trees and spend the night.

Only problem with that is, it's a little
difficult getting it up the next morning.

Well, as a famous pilot once said, ''lt's all
worth it. lncluding the final crash.''

Well, that's Pete's philosophy too,
isn't it?

l'll get the luggage.
So, this is....
This is really your first time
over the Congo, Hod?

Yeah, quite. Yeah.
