White Hunter Black Heart

What l'm trying to say, it's the whores
who put Hollywood up as a big target.

Hell, John, l didn't realize you
were such a hometown boy.

-Well, l am, kid. l am when l'm in Africa.

No, l'm serious. lt took Africa
to bring all this out in me.

Africa and the smell
of my first wild elephant.

lt's a shame Kivu couldn't have heard
you say that, John.

Oh, Kivu knows. Kivu knows
without being told.

John, why don't you ask Kivu to go
back to Hollywood with you?

Not a bad idea, kid. He could be
mighty useful around there.

Where are we going this morning, John?
A place Kivu knows. And he says a lot
of elephant go there this time of year.

l was wondering. How do
you two communicate?

Oh, we get on. l asked him this morning
about going back to the States with me.

Zib here actually
acted as my interpreter.

-What did he say?
-Said he didn't know.

Said he'd have to think about it.
That it was a very big decision.

He says we're getting close.
