White Hunter Black Heart

lt's a freshly killed reedbuck
from Semuliki plain.

The female of the species, just to prove
that God does not let man off the hook.

So l told Anatole that he should not let
Paulette ever do that again.

John, can we stop playing games?
Playing games, dear fellow?
l don't quite understand.

Well, we have to get started tomorrow.
Red has to go out to the location.
You have to check the costumes.

l'm willing to do anything
you suggest, dear boy.

That is, within reason, of course.
Well, first of all can you drop that phony
English accent? And for God's sakes...

...abandon your role
of the great white hunter...

...and become a movie director again.
Listen, you Balkan rug peddler...
...my role of the great hunter,
as you put it, is my own business.

lt has nothing to do with you.
lt's a sacred subject.

Much like the sex life of my mother.
lt's something you'll refrain from talking
about or even thinking about.

lt's way too difficult a subject
for your small little brain to grasp.

lt's a passion that's beyond you.
l'd have to explain to you the sound
of the wind and the smell of the woods.

l'd have to create you
all over again...

...and stamp out all those years you spent
on the dirty pavement in cramped shoes.

l'm not interested in your hunting.
