White Hunter Black Heart

Boss! Boss! Boss!
He never looks at the script, does he?
Nope. He's afraid he'll lose
his artistic spontaneity.

What are you two grousing about?
What's wrong, Paul?

l'm on the spot. l'm ready to make
magic. Make you rich.

-What the hell's the matter with you?

Wait. John. Kivu sent him.
He's onto a big herd.

-ls that right?
-About three miles from here.

What are we waiting on?
John, the sky is clear.
You've got plenty of unloading to do.
Plenty of work. l'll be right back.

-Well, how do l know you'll come back?
-Send your boy Pete if you don't trust me.

Go with him. Make sure he doesn't forget
we're starting a picture.

-He doesn't need me.
-That's right. And it may be risky.

You're onto a big one?
What's he saying?
