You brought me
cleaning equipment.
I didn't bring you Brillo.
It's a Dustbuster.
You bring me flowers
or Jell-O,
but don't bring me
cleaning equipment.
You're overreacting.
Do you understand
what I'm saying?
Yeah. You have Ring Dings
under your furniture.
I don't care what's
under my furniture.
This is where I live.
You don't like
my Ring Dings, tough shit.
All right, so if I bring you
perfumes and soap...
That's not the same.
You bring me that stuff
because you care about me.
Or something. You're bringing
this son of a bitch...
because you think
my house is dirty.
Your house IS dirty.
Look at how you keep it.
Look at your hallway.
Look at your kitchen.
You look at my kitchen.
Sometimes it isn't so easy
to look at your kitchen.
Well, try.
This is so...
Iook at all this shit.
Take this little
motherfucker home.
I don't want it here.
- Nora...
- Take it home!
I'm sorry.