He's one clever detective.
You know how clever?
How clever?
- He told me once,
he could find
an honest man in Washington.
I just want two more moments,
then my toes will be dry.
One thing puzzles me, sugar.
- What's that?
You're 20 years old.
Ain't you ever curious as to why
your mama wants to keep us apart?
I'll tell you, Lula...
it's more than
me killing Bob Ray Lemon.
Maybe my mama
cares for me just a little too much.
Yeah, maybe.
I just want
to kiss you goodbye.
You know too much about Lula's Mama.
What do you mean?
Johnnie told me
you were a driver for Marcello Santos.
So what?
- So maybe one night,
you got too close to a fire.
So maybe you're gonna burn.
Besides, you're shit.
You think I'd let my little girl
hang out with a piece
of s-h-i-t like you?
Kid, you belong
in one of these toilets!
You piece of white trash!
You're gonna have to kill me
to keep me away from Lula.
Oon't worry about that.
First I'm gonna cut your balls off
and feed them to you.
You're gonna have to kill me.
I can arrange that.