I'm making my lunch!
Mama told me
Aunt Rootie, that's Oell's mama,
found cockroaches in Oell's underwear.
One time, she found Oell
putting one big cockroach
on his anus.
Hell, Peanut!
It ain't so funny now, though.
Oell disappeared.
Nobody's seen him since.
Too bad he couldn't visit
that old Wizard of Oz,
and get some good advice.
Too bad
we all can't, baby.
Are you there, Johnnie?
What's wrong, honey?
Johnnie, sweetheart.
Wait, I've got something to tell you.
I want you to know something.
I've done something so bad,
real bad.
- Not on the phone! No...
I'm coming to New Orleans tomorrow
to tell you in person. OK?
Oon't do this to me. You'd freak out
if I did that to you. Now what is it?
I'm not gonna tell you on the phone.
But honey, I gotta leave right now
and get on their trail.
The kids were here. They checked
out of the Hotel Brazil this morning.