What's that?
A feed store,
keeps up to 5 K in their safe.
Need me a good boy
for backup. Even split.
No, man.
I don't think so.
It'll be easy, Sailor.
Two employees. I take 'em in back
to open the safe. You cover the door.
You ain't plannin' on raisin'
a family in the Big Tuna, are you?
Wait a minute...
Whad'ya mean by family?
Well, I mean...
with Lula...
being in a family way and all.
Oid Lula tell you
she was pregnant?
Couple of grand or two
sure would help you two out.
Get you out West, to Mexico, or
anywhere with a few dollars to spare.
I've got it figured out good.
When did you talk to Lula?
I talked to her
this afternoon,
when you was out.
Oid she really say
she was pregnant?
I just took a guess, that's all.
You in or out on this deal?
I ain't fucking sure, Bobby.
Oon't take too long to think about it.