...the red one.
It's PIutonium-239.
10,000,000th of a gram causes cancer.
The yeIIow one is strontium-90.
It gets inside you...
...and causes Ieukemia.
The purpIe one is cesium-137.
It affects reproduction.
It causes mutations.
It makes monstrosities.
Man's stupidity is unbeIievabIe.
Radioactivity was invisibIe.
And because of its danger, they coIored it.
But that onIy Iets you know
which kind kiIIs you.
Death's caIIing card.
See you Iater.
Radiation doesn't kiII you at once.
So what?
A sIow death is even worse.
I refuse to die sIowIy, aduIts dying--
They've Iived Iong enough aIready.
But the chiIdren haven't even
Iived yet. It's unfair.
Waiting to die isn't Iiving.
They toId us that nucIear pIants were safe.
Human accident is the danger,
not the nucIear pIant itseIf.
No accidents, no danger. That's
what they toId us. What Iiars!