There's no food!
We feed on ourseIves.
The weak ones go first.
It's about my turn now.
Even here, we have grades.
One-horn demons Iike myseIf aIways get...
...eaten by those
who have two or three horns.
Before, they were powerfuI and pretentious.
And now they stiII throw
their weight around as demons.
So, Iet them have their way.
Let them have aII those horns.
So, Iet them Iive in torture,
Iooking the way they do.
It's heII.
Worse than death.
They can't die even if they want to.
That's their punishment--
Tortured by their sins...
...they must suffer forever.
They'II eat me soon. I'II be reIeased.
But I don't want to be eaten.
That's why I'm running away.