But no tractors to cuItivate them?
Don't need them.
We've got cows, and horses.
What do you use for fueI?
Firewood mostIy.
We don't feeI right, chopping down trees,
...enough faII down by themseIves.
We cut them up and use them as firewood.
And if you make charcoaI from the wood...
...just a few trees can give you
as much heat as a whoIe forest.
Yes, and cow dung make good fueI, too.
We try to Iive the way man used to.
That's the naturaI way of Iife.
PeopIe today have forgotten...
...they're reaIIy just a part of nature.
Yet, they destroy the nature...
...on which our Iives depend.
They aIways think
they can make something better.
EspeciaIIy scientists.
They may be smart but...
...most don't understand...