That is, without a doubt,
the best-looking thing i ever saw.
Don't take a photo. It's embarrassing
enough having to wear it in the street.
That's not true.
Hallie, you look beautiful.
- Is the baby kicking? Can i feel?
- He's resting today.
There he goes. He kicks.
Well, i'll go get some milk. It makes
me feel better, and the baby.
- That's a good idea.
- Bye, olivia.
- Ethan, help me with this.
- Hello, everybody.
Hi, mom.
- Hi, how did it go?
- Fine.
- Did you bring me some books?
- "old yeller" and more "mary poppins".
- Ethan, i brought some landmarks.
- Cool.
Hi, mom.
Hello, beautiful.
- He was supposed to be here by now.
- I'm sure he's on his way.
Hallie, come on.
Let's go get ready for your dad.
- Merry christmas.
- You, too.
- Mr o'fallon.
- Hi, stella.
How's my favourite ex-mother-in-law and
second lady of the american theatre?
Excellent, and quite glad to see you.
I can't say the same for your ex-wife.
Though you haven't even
asked about her yet.
Up there? Wish me luck.
I think i hear dad.
- You're wearing my favourite colour.
- Black?
Cut me a minor break, slick.
What do you want me to say?
- Not a great start.
- At least he called her slick.
You don't have to say anything to me.
Try the kids.