All I Want for Christmas

All right. I'm bored now.
Will you read me "old yeller"?
I can read it myself, but i like
the way you do all the voices.

Why did you say
they are getting along better?

Because i'm going to ask santa
to get them back together again.

- You can't ask santa claus for that.
- Why not?

Well, because. Because he's jolly.
He's a jolly, fat guy.

- He's not a marriage counsellor.
- It's what i really want.

- Hey, kids.
- Hey, dad.

- Why aren't you in bed?
- I have this problem.

Yeah, well, you can tell me about it
while i tuck you in.

The problem is,
i have to see santa claus tomorrow.

And mom's busy, so will you take me?
I've got to work
all day tomorrow, honey.

Hey, ethan.
No! Uh-uh. Forget about it.
Don't even think about it. Dad, no.

Now, hallie, you can ask for toys,
parakeets, hair products, anything.

But you may not ask for anything
to do with interpersonal relationships.

This is santa claus, not dear abby.
- Sucker?
- You're telling me.

Oh, no. This is great.
Oh, man. Kevin mars.

Great. I'm watching you, ok?
This is excellent. This is wonderful.
Excuse me.

- O'fallon.
- Hey, kevin.

How are you doing? I was just
checking out these f-16s.

Are these aeroplanes or what? Wow.
