Any of this stuff look familiar?
It's extremely nice.
I had no idea.
- When you moved out...
- that it would turn out this way? No.
Come see the loft.
- Tony and hallie are waiting.
- It'll only take a minute.
All right. Just one minute.
- Hey! I said, "burn it."
- So what else is new?
Here, try that one.
She likes it burned?
- It's a nice place.
- Yeah, it's paradise!
That's very pretty, hallie.
Do you want to know the rest of it?
The kids seem to like it.
Downtown, i mean.
Good creative atmosphere around here.
Even the pigeons are poets downtown.
Ah, you remember.
- New haven.
- York street.
Brewster's diner.
How'd you get it to look like that?
- I heard they were closing, so...
- brewster's closed?
Yeah. I took a truck up there.
I got all the fixtures. I got the jukebox.
I even stole their menu.
- I have to go.
- You keep saying that.
- It's really nice.
- You said that, too.
Michael, i'm getting married.
- That, you haven't said.
- Well, i'm saying it.