You got anything else you want
to say about my brother?
Goddamn you, McCaffrey!
Atta boy, Brian!
Take it outside!
- Knock it off!
- Come here, you son-of-a-bitch!
Oh, l'm bleeding.
Knock it off.
Come on, eh?
Hey! Knock it off.
Hey, hey, l'm fine.
Jesus, Stevie, you never
know when to quit, do you?
Do you ever wonder why...
you're stuck a fucking lieutenant
for life?
Come on.
Let's get a drink.
- [ Brian ] You okay?
- Yeah, l'm all right.
Hey, whoa!
- Get him outta here!
- l just wanna get a drink.
You need to get the hell
outta here. Let's go.
The whole family's crazy.
[ Brian ] You nailed him.
He's all right.
He said something.
- What'd he say?
- l don't remember.
Listen, l can walk by myself.
Ow! l hurt my ankle, man.
Don't stand and laugh.
Get me up!
Yeah. Oop. Photographer.
-Think l can get on the cover of ''Life''?
-Let's go.
- ls Axe a great guy?
- Huh?
He doesn't know shit
about what l want.
[ Stephen ] l've got news for everybody.
l'm not my old man.
A fire won't get me.
l know more than he did.
l know more about fire
than all of 'em.
Time for bed, Sugar Ray.